Partner in Crime

REMA’s “It’s Not SUMMER Anymore” IDIOMS! Vol. 1 Issue 5

Original Release: 10/12/2009

NAME THAT NEWSLETTER!  Be a part of my Idiom Email more than you ever thought you could!
Since it’s not longer Summer (:() and soon Fall will be over too, I need a new newsletter name!
Please send in your suggestions and on a day of my choosing, I will pick the best one.

 Do you LOVE Rema’s Idiom Email and look forward to it all the time? If so, refer your friends!
On a day of my choosing, the person with the greatest number of referrals will win their very own “special edition.”

Now… on to the good stuff!

What was said? I need a Partner In Crime.

Did someone really say that? Yes, last night Lindsey said it to Lilian, to which Lilian said “What’s that?”

What does it mean? Basically it means someone to be by your side; someone who assists in a plot.
According to Urban Dictionary: “your significant other; someone you can depend on to help you get shit done! Your Boo”

Origin: I tried to find the origin but couldn’t. If you can find it… please send it along.

SIDE NOTE: Rema’s “It’s Not SUMMER Anymore” Idioms would like to give a welcome new subscribers Laura and Lilian..Ni-Hao.
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